Monday, April 27, 2009

Hi to all,
I thought that it was time to say Hi to all and remind you to register for the reunion. Sheila has done an unbelievable job of making all this happen so let's respond. One problem with such excellent advanced planning is that we can cool off and relax and forget before the event even takes place. I hope that you will not do that. I am convinced more then ever that God is behind this gathering and some great things for His Kingdom will transpire. I have an exciting program to propose.
I am especially eager for everyone to share with all of us what is going on in your lives and ministries, so get in your BIOS and if you have printed material relating to your ministry or business, bring it with you to distribute.
I want to remind you that I am inviting SMITE folks to join us. Roscoe is coming, some of his kids missed their reunion last year and, remember that SMITE grew out of YA and Roscoe's ministry EPIC is an outgrowth of SMITE. I want them and all other offspring of YA to feel welcome.
I pray that you all have a great summer. We are excited about our 20th summer at Lassen Pines Retreat Center. If you are anywhere close this summer, please feel welcome as my guest at camp. Camp phone number is 530 4743160. Tom Darnell comes every summer for a few weeks to help run camp.
Keep helping Sheila find missing persons.

See you in Sept. !!!!!!

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