Monday, May 23, 2011

Hi everyone!!

We have a Youth Aflame Alumni Facebook page. If you haven't joined/liked it, please do so! Go here:

Over the next few weeks I'll be posting some "authorized" questions that Gordon thought would be fun for all of us to answer.

So, go check it out if you haven't already done so!!

I'm posting a questions tonight!

May 12, 2011

Youth Aflame Connection 2012 - September 13-16. Mark your calendars!

I wanted to bring you up to date on a few things re: Youth Aflame Facebook accounts:

1. At present we have three accounts -
Youth Aflame Reunion 2009
Youth Aflame Alumni -
Youth Aflame Connection 2012 -

2. I really want to encourage you to join both "Alumni" and "Connection 2012". It's easy to join - just click on "like" and you're a member! Easy as that!!

3. When you join Connection 2012, you will have the option of clicking "attending", "maybe", etc. in regards to our get-together in 2012. It's fun to see who's planning on coming!

There's lots of chatter on both Alumni and Connection and I'll eventually be posting some interesting questions that Gordon would like us to have fun with and answer.

We also have a new email address which is Sending an email to that address will send an email to all group members who have "liked" Alumni.

More later!


P.S. Just because you "liked" Connection 2012, you still MUST register by going here: Choose "click to register" and follow the prompts.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Hello, everyone!!

1. First, let me correct the date of our Connection. The correct dates are Sept. 13 (not 14) - 16. The 13th will be our meet and greet afternoon/evening. Like 2009, it will be held at The Kirkley in Lynchburg.

2. The total charge is only $20.00/per person.

3. Here's where you go to register:

( You might have to click on the link twice as there have been intermittent problems with it connecting correctly. It always works after the second click.)

4. Here are instructions on How to Register:

1. Log on to and click the REGISTRATION LINK.

2. Complete the registration form, chose a payment option, and click SUBMIT.

3. If you are paying by credit card or PayPal click ADD TO CART.

4. If you are paying by credit card click CHECK OUT.
If you are paying by PayPal click CHECK OUT WITH PAYPAL.
If you are paying by check, exit the page at this point.

5. Submit your online payment or mail your check. Please make the check out to Sheila Colclasure and mail it to:
3823 Ridgeoak
Dallas, TX 75244

5. We have changed our email address. The new email address - larrysheila3823(at) Feel free to email with
any questions you might have.

6. We've had several updates to the Master List and it's attached below. If you have an update please send it to me. Also attached is the "Need To Find" list. Please look through it and see if you know where some of these people are. I'm attaching these in two formats: Excel and PDF.


from Gordon

ATTENTION: YA CONNECTION 2012 - September 14-16, 2012:

YOU are invited to Lynchburg, Virginia for the "Youth Aflame CONNECTION". It will be a reunion for those who missed the gathering in 2009, but it will be much more than just hugging, picture taking and remembering old times, although there'll be lots of time for that, too!!

All who gathered in 2009 felt that there was something special about this time and they expressed a spirit and
demonstrated the power that was still evident in this group after all these years. Most everyone expressed a desire to
meet again. This time we will attempt to accomplish the following plans while remembering that we are not trying to duplicate
the 2009 experience as all felt it was from God and we cannot manufacture what He chooses to do. Therefore, our goal this time
will be to connect with each other in such a way as to determine how we can continue to use our old spirit to further the cause of

Let me say at this point that I do not want this to be my plans and ideas. I welcome your input, as well.

1. The Kirkley hotel will be our headquarters for the entire weekend. (note: Dottie and I stayed there recently and were pleased with
the renovations and improvements. The hotel knows what we want to accomplish and are enthusiastic about accommodating us.
A. The rates will be the same as last time - details will follow later.
B. The hotel will reserve all four conference rooms for us for the entire time.
*** One large dining and meeting room...
*** Three smaller meeting and display rooms for booths and displays...
C. The hotel will provide a buffet dinner each evening at reasonable cost so we can all eat together and fellowship around the tables.
The room can seat close to 400.
D. If we can insure our numbers, we can reserve the entire hotel for ourselves. If you and another YAer would like to room
together, the cost of the room can be split.

1. Reunite and enjoy fellowship with more time to talk, fellowship and pray together. Every effort should be made to locate those
who missed last time.
2. Enjoy once more the blessings of witnessing the miracle of Liberty Mountain that we were so much a part of so long ago.
3. Encourage the student body of LU with the amazing testimonies of the early graduates.
4. Display and promote all of the various ministries, businesses, and projects that all of you are involved in. The hotel has the tables,
skirts and dividers for the displays. ( There may be a small personal cost for these. )
6. Explore ways of aiding each others in times of need.

1. The cost this year is only $20.00/per person!!! That will cover administrative and incidental charges that we will incur.
2. We tentatively have a chapel service with me speaking. Probably will be a ball game, and a Sunday morning service at TRBC.
I think we should probably plan to stay thru Sunday night in order to accomplish all we want. We might even do a concert
3. Details and schedule will follow.
4. Sheila will be sending out an email with more instructions/information in the near future.
5. Help Sheila put together a missing persons list. She will be in contact with you very soon!

Thank you
I am already ALL EXCITED !!!!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

HAPPY NEW YEAR, YOUTH AFLAME!!! A little late but sincere.

19 months until "YA CONNECTION 2012"!! The date is Sept. 14-16, 2012. That's plenty of time to save your pennies and find good air line tickets from near and the far corners of the world.

Although we're in the very early stages of planning, we're wanting more just "us" time - more time for sharing, singing, praying, future planning, and lots of hugging.

We are trying to give most of the time to interacting and sharing our lives and activities together. We want to have lots of little information booths so we can share our ministries and
businesses with one another. We hope to have the hotel fix a buffet each night so we can eat together around the tables. Sheila is working on details (what else is new), and will keep us

It's been decided to not meet in Dallas this year, but to have our planning for the future

Dottie and I pray for you every day at breakfast and we enjoy hearing from some one of you
all everyday. We love every one of you and cannot wait until our next time together. Still feeling the thrill of the last reunion as I know you have.

We are heading to the mountain today for a Junior High Snow Camp this
weekend. Just added a new staff member. He and his wife are second generation YA kids. If you can get to Redding any time this summer, you are welcome as our guests and, oh yes,
grand kids eat free!

Below is an article (from Nelson Keener) and an email (from Pennie Knutson Hatcher) that I wanted to share with you. They both capture and portray the heart of our last time together and it's always a blessing to read them. (More can be found on the YA Facebook page here:

The Steamroller keeps chugging along even though a LITTLE SLOWER...

DR. GORDON LUFF (of course that is an unearned degree)

Our Common Bond: A Reflection on the Youth Aflame Reunion

by Nelson H Keener on Tuesday, September 29, 2009 at 11:23pm

September, 10 – 13, 2009, Liberty University, Lynchburg, VA

My wife, Jeannie, and I had no idea what to expect on Thursday afternoon when we walked into the Liberty YA alumni reception at the Kirkland Hotel. Would it be awkward with superficial pleasantries or guarded conversations?

It was none of the above.

Bam! (Thank you, Emeril.) It was more like spontaneous combustion; ignited by seeing the faces of fellow classmates and co-workers who shared common experiences more than 30 years ago through our involvement with Youth Aflame, Treasure Island, ScareMare, LBC Choral, All God’s Children, I Love America rallies, and more.

At Friday’s luncheon in the beautiful and cozy SnowPlex Lodge and again Friday evening at the banquet I knew this reunion was going to be much more than a warm-fuzzy get-together. The energy level of the conversations at each event was consistently enthusiastic. Our common bond was palpable.

I was intrigued. What was going on here? I mean, we’re talkin’ 35 years later. (Excuse the pun.)

When Dr. Falwell died in May 2007, I wrote an op-ed for the local newspaper (see my Facebook “Notes”) about my experience working with him for eight years. I wrote it as much for myself as to publish it.

What astonished me while writing the column was how ardently I still felt about my experience with Jerry and Liberty University; even 22 years after I moved away from Lynchburg.

Did our shared experiences with Jerry Falwell and LBC in those early years make an indelible impression on us? Most definitely. We had the privilege and opportunity—possibly beyond our full comprehension—to be involved in launching what is now a strategic Christian University. It was an experience, an era, which will never recur; something to which most LU students since the ‘80s can not relate.

College freshman don’t usually go off to college expecting to have to build their own dorm rooms. Nonetheless, we laid carpet, hauled in bunk beds, set up kitchens, took long bus trips to Pittsburgh, performed school assemblies, and staged Jerry Falwell rallies and banquets across the country. Not to mention giving college students a vision for ministering to youth.

In retrospect, I believe the work we did was both critical and significant during those first five years under Gordon’s leadership (including Dean of Students) that laid a foundation and gave shape to the College. I know it shaped us as alumni.

It is obvious that as students we all shared a common call and a common mission. But I believe it was this working together—putting our shoulders to the wheel—that confirmed the call and mobilized the mission. It was “doing what had to be done” whether we/Gordon had permission or not (LOL) that created a bond between and among us.

My sense is that this sentiment was the root of the excitement and energy we felt and expressed when we came together for the reunion. Thank you Gordon for your vision to do this. And thank you Sheila for making it happen.

P.S. Is it true that Gordon planned for the Friday banquet to run past midnight? I heard he really wanted to go to Texas Tavern at 2:00am for “...a western and a bowl.”

Nelson H. Keener (C ’76)
September 27, 2009

Pennie's email:

It was beyond my expectations. We were given the chance to express corporately what Gordon and the other YA staff have meant in our lives. We could see the fruit of each life of dedication and obedience to God in our classmates and ministry teammates who have persisted over the long term. We learned life lessons as we observed the godly sorrow of some who have made choices that took them far from the Lord, and I hope we could comfort and encourage one another to come back or keep on keeping on, whichever the case. We laughed ourselves silly with our old girlfriends and buddies with whom we shared many miles and smiles. We cried because of the love that we have one for another, and the heart for God that we all have in common. We rejoiced to hear what God is doing all around the world in His Kingdom work, and the work He is doing in each one's life. I, personally was able to right a wrong with a dear sister and friend who I had been separated from by time and distance. I had needed to ask her forgiveness for all these years, and this reunion made that possible. Only time will tell all the many other blessings that will come from having been together - reconnecting, discovering strengths where we need help, building up and encouraging one another.