Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I trust that all of you had a great Holiday. I am aware that some of you have had a difficult time financially. Please know that we are praying for you daily. I would say to you from personal experience not to give up. This too will pass and God will use this time to make you stronger.

I am writing this message to seek some input concerning any future gathering. Some have talked of another gathering in 2011. Others have commented that that is too soon. If we are to plan another meeting, we need to start now. I am puzzled that I received almost no response to my last email in which I asked you to respond with comments on the reunion. (Sheila sent it out on November 28th.) Please let me know your feelings and any suggestions or criticisms. I doubt that we can expect to duplicate our last meeting which was clearly a God-thing. However, with God's help (and a little from Sheila) it could be even better.

My heart is still bursting from our time together. I will never forget it. My only regret was that I could not visit with all of you as much as I wanted to. Time was so short. I regularly view all the pictures (over 1000)!!

Here are a few of my thoughts to stimulate your response.
l. We should try to contact anyone that we missed last time including those we could not locate as well as those who wanted to
come but were hindered for one reason or another.
2. We should spend more time interacting and just plain visiting. I hardly got to talk to some of you.
3. We seemed to enjoy singing together so we should repeat that.
4. The banquet should have a much shorter program allowing more time to mingle and interact.
5. Rather than calling it a reunion, I suggest it be a "YA Connection" with special group meetings with emphasis on the
various ministries and businesses represented.
6. Allow for time for us to pray together for each others needs..

Please add to this list!!!

Also , please pray about Lassen Pines future. We have some great prospects that, if they materialize and we sell, I will be freed up to visit, travel, and assist the many ministries you represent.

My email is ( gordonluff@yahoo.com )
My address is 3572 Leonard St. Redding, CA 96002
My Phone # is (Home) 530 221 3516, (Cell) 530 949 2508, (Camp) 530 474 3160

We wait to hear from you and please know home much we love all of you!!.

Gordon and Dottie