Monday, September 28, 2009

I have set up a NEW Facebook page called Youth Aflame Reunion 2009. It is ONLY for those who attended the Reunion. You'll have to request to become a member. That way we can have control over who will be posting. If you've sent me an email relating your thoughts, PLEASE post it to this new site. Everyone, please tell us what the Reunion meant to you, how it encouraged you, how it touched your life, etc. What about seeing friends of thirty-some years? (The original YA Facebook page is still up and running. Nothing's changed there.)

Here are snippets from some I've received:

from Paul DeSaegher - Gordon and all of you really needed and were blessed by this
gettogether. Jani/I were also thrilled to see so many loved ones. A guy who took Macel

Falwell from event to event over the weekend, was talking with Jani yesterday at church,

and told her that when he took Macel to the Friday night banquet, as they were entering the

room, Macel proclaimed to him.....the folk you see in this room tonight are the ones really

responsible for getting LU off the ground in the early just appreciate your current

education(he is a student), and be grateful to all these who worked so hard to make your

current education what it is. Interesting comment, huh?

from Pennie Knutson Hatcher - . It was beyond my expectations. We were given the chance to express corporately what Gordon and the other YA staff have meant in our lives. We could see the fruit of each life of dedication and obedience to God in our classmates and ministry teammates who have persisted over the long term. We learned life lessons as we observed the godly sorrow of some who have made choices that took them far from the Lord, and I hope we could comfort and encourage one another to come back or keep on keeping on, whichever the case. We laughed ourselves silly with our old girlfriends and buddies with whom we shared many miles and smiles. We cried because of the love that we have one for another, and the heart for God that we all have in common. We rejoiced to hear what God is doing all around the world in His Kingdom work, and the work He is doing in each one's life. I, personally was able to right a wrong with a dear sister and friend who I had been separated from by time and distance. I had needed to ask her forgiveness for all these years, and this reunion made that possible. Only time will tell all the many other blessings that will come from having been together - reconnecting, discovering strengths where we need help, building up and encouraging one another.

from Dave Wood - my expectations are rarely exceeded.. The reunion did.. Best times by far were the meals with old friends and the meeting with the youth group kids. I also loved the sing along at TRBC.

someone said - Like everyone else I was overwhelmed, humbled and blessed. (My wife) knew the minute she walked into the banquet room that there was something special about these people, and could sense the "spiritual thread" connecting us all. Meeting and talking to everyone really helped her to understand me better. I was just a little "proud" to be part of something so special.

from Don Jennings - This Sunday morning service at TRBC seemed a little down compared to last week’s service with the YA group performing

more from Don Jennings - I was serious about the Sunday morning service. The YA group looked and sounded amazing at TRBC that Sunday. The pitch was great and stage presence, energy, and spirituality blasted right through the TV screen. If anything they were even better at the 8:30 service. And yes, I recognized all of the voices instantly and was very proud of everyone.

from Bob Dunn - It has been “back to the races” here since returning from the reunion, but have needed the time to process that special time together. I will still be inadequate to fully express my thoughts, but wanted you to know how deeply appreciative I was to be able to be there. This time was a time for God to impact my heart, life and ministry. I guess it was His timing to help me reflect and refocus for the next season of my life. I have loved every bit of my life and ministry these 30+ years in Ariz. with no regrets, but God has his timing and markers in our life to help us pause and reflect. All this to say that I have come home with new “stride” in my step for the next season of my life. Your investment to get everyone together goes farther than you may think as we move ahead in the Kingdom work he has called us to. Thanks again for all the time and effort put forth to make this time a reality. God is so good.

from the Alumni Association - if we could just bottle your spirit

from the GM at the Kirkley - As a side note, while we are always pleased to have business in our hotel, the general feedback from our staff in servicing your group was that "everyone was so nice and pleasant to deal with" and I'm sure they will be happy to hear your intentions of coming back.

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