Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Reunion - update

1. We are completely SOLD OUT for the banquet on Friday, SO a larger room has been secured for us (thanks, Kendra!) If you have asked to attend the banquet and been told that there's no spaces left, you can now attend!!!! Time is of the essence, so I need to know if you're coming ASAP!!

2. Sad note - our sweet Doug Oldham will not physically be able to attend and sing our signature song "Get All Excited".

3. We could use some help on Friday!!! If you would be willing to leave the group sing-a-long a little early and help us set up for the banquet it would be most appreciated. We can't get into that room until 5:00 b/c classes are in session before that. 10-12 people would be fantastic!!!


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