Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Youth Aflame Reunion - September 24-27, 2009

Web site address - youthaflame.org

Facebook - can be accessed by going to Facebook.com and searching for Youth Aflame Alumni. You'll have to join Facebook but it's a simple process.

Things are moving along nicely and people are getting excited about the Reunion. I love hearing about friends being reconnected after all these years!

I am adding new people to the Master List two or three times per week and I"m pleased about that. But we need to get real serious about finding those on the Names to Contact list. AND we need to add more names to that list, I'm sure.

Please take a few minutes and look over the list. PLEASE! See if you know where some of these people are.

- If you can tell me which state they were originally from, that would be helpful.

- If you know the married name for one of the girls (husbands first and last name), that would be helpful. It's almost impossible to search for them when I only have their maiden name.

- If you know one of the guys is a Pastor or where they might be employed, that would be helpful.

- If you're forwarding my emails re: the Reunion to someone else that needs the information, I need to know that persons name so I can follow up with them and get their contact information.

- If you are "friends" with someone on Facebook please check to see that they're on the Master List. If not, let me know.

- Some of you have family members (siblings) who were part of YA. Please send me their information.

Attached are the updated Master List and Names To Contact lists. PLEASE! I need your help!



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