Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Youth Aflame Reunion - September 24-27, 2009

Web site address - youthaflame.org

Facebook - can be accessed by going to Facebook.com and searching for Youth Aflame Alumni. You'll have to join Facebook but it's a simple process.

Things are moving along nicely and people are getting excited about the Reunion. I love hearing about friends being reconnected after all these years!

I am adding new people to the Master List two or three times per week and I"m pleased about that. But we need to get real serious about finding those on the Names to Contact list. AND we need to add more names to that list, I'm sure.

Please take a few minutes and look over the list. PLEASE! See if you know where some of these people are.

- If you can tell me which state they were originally from, that would be helpful.

- If you know the married name for one of the girls (husbands first and last name), that would be helpful. It's almost impossible to search for them when I only have their maiden name.

- If you know one of the guys is a Pastor or where they might be employed, that would be helpful.

- If you're forwarding my emails re: the Reunion to someone else that needs the information, I need to know that persons name so I can follow up with them and get their contact information.

- If you are "friends" with someone on Facebook please check to see that they're on the Master List. If not, let me know.

- Some of you have family members (siblings) who were part of YA. Please send me their information.

Attached are the updated Master List and Names To Contact lists. PLEASE! I need your help!



Monday, August 18, 2008

Dear Youth Aflamers:

In preparation for our reunion next year, we thought it would be great to compile a book of memories, dates, places, anecdotes, and words of wisdom. But we need your help!

Do you have a memory box or file in which you might have stashed old journals, calendars, or keepsakes? Would you mind taking some time to look through it? If you find photos, you can post those to the YA site on Facebook, and we can access them there.

If you find journals, calendars, or notes, could you either copy and mail, email, or fax them to me (Angie Hunt) or Lamar Keener, the compilers.

If you were involved in Youth Aflame in the early years (1971 - 1976), send your info to Lamar. His contact information is:
10951 Explorer Rd.
La Mesa, CA 91941
FAX 619 668 1115
email - lamar@thekeeners.com

If you were involved with Youth Aflame in the later years (1977 - 1980), send your info to Angie Hunt. Her contact information is:
8092 Willow Court
Seminole, FL 33776
FAX 727 319 3326
email - hunthaven@gmail.com

We will need your information by December 31, 2008. This should give you time to clean out your attic. ;)

After we see what we have, we'll figure out how best to compile it into a book.

Thanks so much! Happy searching!

Angie Hunt
Lamar Keener

Friday, August 15, 2008

There are times in life when we all need people to pray for and with us, so I've started a Prayer and Praise section on the Discussion Boards.

Let's please keep it limited to members and immediate family of Youth Aflame. And don't forget to tell us the Praises when God answers!!

A new discussion has been posted on the Discussion Board. It's called Founding Year 1971 - the very first year. Did you attend LBC that year? What are some of your experiences and memories?

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Youth Aflame Reunion - September 24-27, 2009
Web site address is youthaflame.org
Facebook can be accessed by going to Facebook.com and searching for Youth Aflame Alumni. You'll have to join Facebook, but it's a simple process.
More and more people are getting excited about our upcoming Reunion. I hope you've had a chance to glance at the pictures being posted on Facebook. You'll be pleased to recognize that none of us have changed a bit!!

- Please be planning and thinking about a LOVE OFFERING for Gordon and Dottie. If we all start putting a little money aside
now we should be able to present them with a nice surprise at the Reunion. There's certainly no way we could ever express
our gratitude for all the time they put into our lives, but this could be a small way to say "Thank you!"

- On Facebook, under Discussion Board please notice there are 3 discussions listed:
1. Where are you and what are you doing?
2. Your favorite ScareMare memories
3. Your favorite Luff quote
Enjoy reading these and don't forget to add your thoughts/memories there as well!!

- As you're browsing the pictures on Facebook if you know any names that need to be added please feel free to do so.

- Does anyone have pictures of ScareMare? Love to see them if you do.

- I think the theme for the Reunion has to be GET ALL EXCITED!, don't you?

More later,

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Here's another thought on how to be able to browse the pictures:

Go to the website (youthaflame.org) and
click on the Facebook Group link in the left column

Some of you are asking me how to find the YA group on Facebook - go to facebook.com and click on "Groups" on the left side. You'll have to become a member, but that's very simple.

Don't forget the YA web site is YouthAflame.org.

Take a look at the Photos on Youth Aflame's Facebook page. There's some "old" ones there. And, yes, there's some question marks and "do you know who this is" there, too. Don't forget we're old and can't remember sometimes. Please feel free to send me any names you might recognize or type them in yourself.

Enjoy another trip down Memory Lane.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Sorry to be sending another message so quickly, but I've been asked to restate the web site. It's youthaflame.org

Regarding the bio - just email them to me. That might change later, but for now let's go with that.

Someone also reminded me that we're "old" people and to please make the font larger :) Hopefully this will be large enough.


Youth Aflame Reunion, September 2009

Hello Youth Aflamers, it's only 413 DAYS TIL THE YA REUNION. How do I know that? It's scrolling across the top of our YA web site.

I'm so excited about the response that I've been receiving!! Several of you have joined our Youth Aflame web site and the Youth Aflame group on Facebook. Larry and I have been blessed again and again by reconnecting with "old" friends. I've heard, by way of the grapevine, that Gordon and Dottie are checking the web site daily and telling everyone at the camp about the Reunion. Don't forget they have a special day coming up.... Aug. 15th.

Here's some things to think about and work on:

1. Gordon has asked that everyone (whether they're able to attend or not) write up a bio of what you've done since leaving Liberty and what you're doing now. (Of course you will want to include what Gordon and Dottie have meant to your lives over the years.) Once we get these collected they will be made available to you.
2. Start thinking about pictures you have. Get them together and plan on bringing them with you to the Reunion. More on that later.
3. We would like to honor those people who have gone home to be with the Lord. If you've lost a loved one that was part of YA please contact me and let's get some ideas going.
4. I'm still needing some of your addresses, phone numbers, spouse's names (if applicable) for the Master List. Please send them to me.

Have a great day!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Youth Aflame Reunion, September 2009

Hello Youth Aflame member(s)!!

For years it has been Gordon Luff's dream to put together a Youth Aflame reunion. Since he's been busy running Lassen Pines Christian Camp in Redding, California he has asked me to be the chair person and get this underway. SO, at his request (and with his encouragement!) I want to do this.

Here are the details as they stand today:

Date: September 24 - 27, 2009 (Thursday thru Sunday) NOT 2008!
Location: Liberty, Lynchburg
Cost: still working on that

As the time gets closer, Kendra Cook Penn has agreed to secure hotel rooms at a group rate, and that information will be provided later.

If you have not contacted me, please do so I can add you to the Master List and keep you informed as to what's happening and when. Please send me an e-mail and I'll set you up.

I am pleased to tell you that we have a Youth Aflame Alumni website that can be accessed at YouthAflame.org AND we also have a Facebook page that can be found here . I encourage you join us there and feel free to share your memories with all of us.

We're trying to locate music from all the singing teams, so if you have names of songs or copies of the music we would be thrilled to have them.

Larry and I are excited about this opportunity and anxious to see you all!

Sheila Colclasure