Wednesday, September 24, 2008

a note from Gordon

Dear Team YA:

I send this E-Mail in order to bring you up to date on my attitude about the reunion in 09. The inter- action on line has been amazing, especially thru FACEBOOK. The time period of the 70's and early 80's when we were in ministry together was a unique time for all of us and that period created a special bond between us.

However, Dr. Bob Jones Sr. said "Reminiscing is a sign of growing old." Now I am not only not willing to admit that 71 is old, but I would desire that our time together is much more than simply remembering the past but that it become a time of revival, recommitment, visionary thinking, reconnecting, planning together for the future and most of all encouragement. Collectively we have a lot of power and influence. I am sorry that it took us so long to do this thing but God is soverign and His timing is not ours. I am sure that the Devil wanted to bury the YA movement but he has failed. YA is alive and well!!

I would also like to address the fact that Youth Aflame became a legal non-profit ministry via Youth Alive. If Thomas Road agrees I want to change our name to Youth Alive/ Youth Aflame so that we can function as a legal identity. I will keep you informed on this. Jerry Jr. is on our side so I think it will not be a problem.

I want to thank all of you who have offered advice and ideas to Sheila relating to the reunion. I would much rather have your input as to what you think will work than just mine. All I want is one good shot at you all!!

Now, a word for any of you folks who may have feelings of failure either personally, spiritually, or in ministry effectiveness. No one is interested in checking up on anyone or evaluating you in any way. We are family, a team, and our fellowship is long overdue. COME AS YOU ARE. NOT ONE OF US HAVE BEEN DEVOID OF TROUBLE

I want to ask your indulgence in not keeping up with all the Facebook program. The numbers are becoming overwhelming. I will always confirm all contacts but may not get back with you. We are still operating camp.

I want to say that your Bio sketches are very important. What you are doing is significant to all of us. What you have been doing is amazing but there will not be enough time at the reunion to share it all publically.

Finally, someone on line mentioned a love offering for Dottie and I. Forget it! All of your 50th anniversay cards and gift certificates were more than enough. We feel that your faithfulness through the years is all the show of love we need. What I do propose is that we create a YA mission fund that we can build, perpetuate and make available to worthy YA projects. Let me know what you think of the idea. I will keep you informed on this project.

Love you all and pray for you every day,


365 days til the Youth Aflame Reunion

That's right! One year from today the Reunion will begin! Can't wait to see you all there.

- Youth Aflame Reunion - September 24-27, 2009

- Web site address -

- Facebook - can be accessed by going to and searching for Youth Aflame Alumni.

Things to remember:

1. ANYONE who played any part in Youth Aflame is welcome at this Reunion. Crew, puppet teams, Word of Life leaders, Treasure Island workers, Sunday School workers, etc. All are welcome and encouraged to be a part!

2. BIOS - thank you to the ones that have submitted their bios. Gordon specifically requested that every YA'er submit a bio. These will eventually be made into a book and be a nice memento for everyone.

To submit your bio - go to, click on "submit my bio".

To view the bios - go to, click on "read others' bio" on the left side of the page, OR on the same page, click on "view biographies on the original blog" at the top of the page in purple writing.

3. If you have information missing on the Master List (i.e. address, phone number, spouse's name) that you would like to have included, please email me at the above address.

I got an email from Jerry Falwell Jr., and wanted to pass it along to you. In part, it says: I have very warm memories of Youth Aflame and LU's first students. You guys are the heart and soul of LU. I am committed to keeping this school true to its roots and I need the help of the pioneers to make that happen. Jerry"

Special, huh? I was very pleased and it made Gordon smile :)

Please continue to help me find people!! We're making progress.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Hey, everyone, I know you're hearing from me twice in one day and I apologize for that, but wanted you to know that you can read all the bios that are coming in by going to:
read others' bios (left hand side)


same page
view biographies on the original blog (top of page in purple writing)


When Gordon and I first met to discuss the Youth Aflame reunion (September 07) one of HIS requests was that each YAer create a brief bio. Spouses are more than welcome (and encouraged) to participate as well.

The biographical information you provide will be made available to other Youth Aflame Alumni. If you wish, the information will also be made available on our website, - but only with your express permission.

For your convenience, we have prepared a form on the web site where you may answer these questions, all of which are optional:

Where are you living?
What is your occupation?
To whom are you married?
Names of children and grandchildren
What is your favorite memory and/or quote from Gordon?
How has his ministry affected your life/career?
What adventure has God allowed you to walk through in which He transformed your life?
Open question - anything you want to tell us

You may access the form at by clicking on the "submit my bio" link in the left column and following the prompts. It's easy!!

Or, you may simply send your information to me via email at

Attached are the most recent lists. We keep making progress and I thank you for your help. Please continue. There's still lots of people we need to find.

More later,

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Youth Aflame Reunion - September 24-27, 2009

Web site address -

Facebook - can be accessed by going to and searching for Youth Aflame Alumni. You'll have to join Facebook but it's a simple process.


Hi everyone! The Reunion Snowball just keeps rolling along! Thanks for your help in locating people. Please don't stop! Both the Master List and the Names To Contact list are attached. You can see we're making progress.

I've been asked "who is included in Youth Aflame?" Youth Aflame includes anyone who was involved in any of the following - crew (lights, sound), puppet team, band, singing groups, Sunday School workers, etc. AND spouses!!!

There are new topics on the Discussion Boards (on Facebook). One is entitled Time Line. If you go to and click on Time Line (left side of the page) it will direct you to the Youth Aflame Time Line. At the top you'll see "click here to suggest a Time Line event. Visit the other topics on the Discussion Boards and add your experiences.

Do you have written music book(s) that were used by any of the singing teams? If so, please email Christy Clayton Cousineau at

We're firming up the list of activities for/during the Reunion. I'll be sending that out soon.

More later,
